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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First Transition

It's the end of my Hypnosis journey for now. Perhaps I'll use it in the future when I've tested the other self-help techniques on my 1 year quest for self-help HELP.

I was expecting more dramatic results using hypnosis because studying psychology, I know what the mind is capable of and I really wanted more physical healing benefits from it. However, during my last week with it, I skipped listening to it for two days and woke up with stiff, swollen, painful joints- a bad day for a Rheumatoid Arthritis sufferer. Then last night I resumed listening to it intently with renewed enthusiasm and I woke up with one of my best days in a long time.

I think it will be easier to determine if hypnosis was helpful once I have other methods to compare it to later on in this process. This will be my first transition from one self-help method to another. Going from hypnosis to meditation seems like an easy and likely transition too. I need something easy in my life. I already feel good about it.

I'm a little off schedule. Originally I wanted to post every Friday, but weekends are too hectic so I think I will shoot for Mondays or Tuesdays. I will listen to my hypnosis CD one last night tonight then I will be starting MEDITATION. I'm excited about this because I've never meditated- oh yes, one time I tried, but it was more stressful trying to get into a comfortable position, then figure out what to think about or not think about.

Just for review, I am trying 6 different self-help techniques- one every two months for an entire year. It's hard to call this an "experiment" because it's hardly scientific, very subjective as well. So here's what I do. At the end of each day I record how I am feeling, mentally and physically, on a scale of 1-10. I try various products for each method and by doing this I hope to not only help myself, but others who have ever wondered whether any products or self-help techniques readily available to them would actually work.

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